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Wind Down.
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Hey World, 

Things have been kind of less fun the last few years. We want to spend more time...well...chilling. So come chill with us. Cook, take a walk, close your eyes while you go about your day.

We’re just sending some love back out into the universe to you. Enjoy your time with us when you’re winding down at night or winding up in the morning. 

XO The Wind Down Team


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“I put on Wind Down when I come home from work...it’s nice to have someone else like Val who is chopping carrots with me. It's nice to have a cooking buddy.” “I put Wind Down on while I work on Excel models during the day; I’m not winding down, but I like the thought of being outside.” “I put Wind Up videos on in the morning before I go to work. Sometimes I forget there’s a big world out there and I love seeing the new places we walk through."

P.S…Some of our favorites: cooking with Akis in Greece, taking a walk in Massachusetts in the spring, baking cupcakes with Steven from scratch in the kitchen, breathing deeply with Kara in the morning for a quick ten minute pause. <3

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Hey World --

Things have been kind of less fun the last few years. We want to spend more time
...well...chilling. So come chill with us. We've pulled our favorite resoures (deep music in Iceland, our favorite walks to coffee places in Greece, our meditations and stories) and our life hacks (our journaling prompts, free coding programs, part time grad schools, to get you well..unstuck). Sending some love into the universe from us to you.

XO The Wind Down Team

Wander with us

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Breathe with us

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